Answering Your Questions

Answering Your Questions

Read the frequently asked questions.

What are the contraindications to an HSG?

An HSG must not be performed during pregnancy or if you have an acute pelvic infection. The examination is also contraindicated in case of recent haemorrhage or bleeding, recent pelvic surgery, traumatic injuries, or known hyperthyroidism. Inform your doctor if you have previously experienced an allergic reaction to an iodinated contrast fluid.

What are the benefits of an HSG?

An HSG is a simple and noninvasive procedure providing useful information about your uterine cavity and fallopian tubes. The results of the examination, combined with the other fertility tests you are undergoing, will help your doctor to select the best treatment option for you. In some cases, an HSG may help you become pregnant.

How should I prepare?

Tell your physician about any other health concerns, recent pelvic infections and about any medication you are currently taking. You may be screened for infections such as Chlamydia. In some cases, you may be advised to take an antibiotic before or after the procedure.

What will I experience during and after the procedure?

You may experience some crampy, period-like discomfort during the HSG. If discomfort persists after the examination, this can be relieved by simple analgesia. After the examination, you will likely have a little vaginal bleeding and leakage of the contrast fluid, which is a sticky clear liquid: a sanitary pad is recommended. Any discomfort or spotting should subside within one to two days.

Are there any side effects?

An HSG is a well-tolerated procedure but occasionally side effects may occur. The most common side effects include infection, pain, fainting and allergy to the contrast fluid. Please consult your physician immediately if you have any concerns or if you experience a fever, an offensive discharge, persistent pain or persistent bleeding.

What about radiation?

The radiation amount from an HSG is very low (typically less than a chest x-ray), the exposure has not been shown to cause any harm. No radiation remains in your body after the examination.

Can I undergo an HSG during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Fertility services are re-opening, and undergoing an HSG is now possible, depending on your local pandemic situation & recommendations. If you are wondering about fertility management during the pandemic, read more here.